The field of IT security is developing incredibly fast.
Keeping up with these changes and knowing where to look for trustworthy information sources is key to staying informed.
Here we would like to give you an overview of our activities, what our students are up to and the sources we trust.
In 2020 many things are different. People work and study from home, wear face masks and are facing restrictions in their fundamental rights. These measures and restrictions were taken to bring the global pandemic under control. More than 800.000 people have died as a result of Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) (25.08.2020).
“Let’s build an app for it” is the simple answer for many things. Therefore, it is no surprise that a lot of people asked for an app to fight Covid-19. In Germany, the “Corona Warn App” was published on June 16, 2020 … read more
My first contact with GDPR (general data protection regulation) and the topic of information security was during my bachelor throughout an app project.
We had set ourselves the goal of uploading the app to Google Play Store by the end of the semester and were thus inevitably confronted with the data protection and privacy topic, which was still relatively fresh at the time.
Since we had no previous experience and background knowledge in this area, we were rather intimidated by the available information and very vague wording in correlation with GDPR. The intrinsic desire to take care of personal and sensitive data was rather absent and overshadowed by the fear of doing something wrong and experiencing legal consequences. When we turned to professors and lawyers at the university, who were (in theory) responsible for the topic of GDPR and information security, the responses were comparable to the game “hot potato” … read more
Brian Krebs, a former journalist, specializes on investigative security news. The relevance of his reporting is particularly evident in the attempts to silence him. In 2016, his site became the target of the largest DDOS attack at that time, which pushed even Akamai to its limits.
The Institute for Cyber Security (ICS) of the Hochschule der Medien (HdM) presents first projects at a workshop of
the Explore and Learn conference organzied by the Landesmedienzentrum Baden-Württemberg.
Time to play? At the “GameZone Talents 2021 Online Edition”, a colorful selection of games created in the summer semester 2020 and winter semester 2020/21 at the Institute for Games at the Media University will be on display. This time PictureIT from the Institute for Cyber Security will be there!