IT-Security Events
Information security affects people. Here you will find important conferences, events and videos to exchange and network.
Information security affects people. Here you will find important conferences, events and videos to exchange and network.
We regularly organize events with a focus on IT security.
22.04.2022 16:00: IT-Security workshop with ETAS GmbH (Bosch Group) on Penetration Tests
Many enterprises use so-called penetration tests as part of their IT security strategy. In a penetration test specialists try to compromise a system or application, exfiltrate sensitive data, deny services or escalate privileges using the same methodology, pratices and tools as external attackers. The results of a penetration test can be used to assess the security of systems and eliminate vulnerabilities.
In this workshop, Finn Steglich und René Reuter from ETAS GmbH (Bosch Group) give insights into the profession and activities of a penetration tester, demonstrate typical project work flows, tell us which competences a penetration tester needs and how a typical work day as penetration tester looks like.
The workshop takes place in room i002 at Nobelstraße 8, 70569 Stuttgart and online at:–cgt-8kj-sa0
For a report about this event (in German) see:
08.04.2022 16:00: IT-Security workshop with IBM
The amount of cyber attacks is permanently increasing, as well as the amount of damage caused by these attacks. In this workshop colleagues from IBM present how attacks can be detected and ideally be prevented. This is done by several scenarios from practice. Moreover, the workshop gives an overview on employment possibilities in the field of cyber security.
The workshop takes place in room i002 at Nobelstraße 8, 70569 Stuttgart and online at:–cgt-8kj-sa0
For a report about this event (in German) see:
23.11.2020 10:00: Should we lie? Social Engineering as a tool for Penetration testing
Sebastian Schreiber (SySS GmbH), an experienced pen tester, talks about typical attack scenarios, ethical concerns and legal aspects of social engineering. The talk will take about 20 minutes, followed by a short discussion.
Do you want to meet fellow security enthusiasts? Here are some events you can join:
OWASP Germany - Stammtisch Stuttgart
The OWASP regulars’ meetings are free and open to anyone who wants to learn about application security. The get-together takes place every first Monday of every second month - provided a speaker is present. Meetings start at 19.30 at shackspace, Ulmer Straße 255, 70327 Stuttgart, Germany.
The events are intended to offer all participants knowledge exchange, networking and information about IT security (firewalling, VPN, encryption, email protection, website security, online shop security, IT security law, data protection, compliance, industrial security, Internet of Things and much more).
Automotive Security Research Group Stuttgart
The Automotive Security Research Group is a non-profit initiative to promote the development of security solutions for automotive products. We are present on 10 locations on three different continents around the world. This MeetUp group is for our Location in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg and inform you about our Monthly Meetings as well as planned workshops.
The Chaos Computer Club (CCC) is one of Europe’s largest association of information security specialists. Their events, especially the Chaos Computer Congress, consider technical aspects of information security as well as its influence on society.
Black Hat is the most technical and relevant information security event series in the world. For more than 20 years, Black Hat Briefings have provided attendees with the very latest in information security research, development, and trends in a strictly vendor-neutral environment.